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Spiritus_Rain: я на каком то фанатском сайте откапала сообщение, в котором написано: НАРОД!!! у мя есть адрес е-мэил ЛАУРИ!!!(не очень новый но все же...) Butterfly_Ylonen@mail.ru мне сказали что он сделал его когда был в последний раз в Росии!

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Rasmus: juno26 28 декабря 1988года, кажется в 6:00 утра родилась в Томске, а сейчас живу в Новокузнецке.

juno26: Давай в тему болтовни перейдём.

Rasmus: juno26 Ок!

juno26: Письмо Паули фанатам. SECRETS... A monologue by Pauli... (poor guy talking to himself again...;)) P : If i tell you..........do you promise not to tell anyone? P : ofcourse. P : ok, good to know, coffee? P : no thanks im fine. P : Have you heard that The Rasmus is going to studio next week to record their new album...and, they are going to record some parts of the album in Finland to capture the REAL HELLsinki feeling on it...in finland the summer is over and its getting dark again...perfect time to spend in the studio and make music...and some parts also in USA P : Holy mackarel! P : .... i also heard the guys talking about the song names, u wanna hear what i heard? P : tell me! P : ok, im not sure if these are the names which they are going to keep... but i heard that one has something to do with "Black Roses"...in one other i heard them singing someting about "Dangerous Kind" and 3rd one i heard revealing lyrics like "...We danced drunk and naked..." and something about "Live Forever"... I heard the boys are also taking new pictures in few weeks and really exited to start the whole thing again...recording, touring, pictures, album cover photos, videoshoots everything! they said also that they would be super happy to tour as many countries as possible and also visit countries that they have never been before! P : boys also said BIG greetings to all the fans! P : p.s. if you wanna know more secrets...stay tuned, i`ll be back.............................................

Rasmus: Люди! Что за позор! The Rasmus с композицией SHOT до сих пор не на верхней ступени! Вот вам ссылочка! Здесь можно голосовать каждый божий час! http://www.torama.ru/golos/mcradio.php3?act=succvote Давайте поддержим наших любимцев!

juno26: Ну хит-парад. Буланова на 1м.

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